Táto modrá páska má výbornú adhéziu k (vyhrievanej) tlačovej platforme....
Nastavenie 3D tlačiarne pre rôzne druhy materiálov. Neviete si poradiť s...
You want to know how to print a 3D model on a 3D printer without peeling...
SALE for preORDERS - Discount 5% - ALREADY ready for SALE DIMAFIX PEN -...
TitanX tlačová struna - je revolučný a nový materiál pre FDM 3D tlač. Je...
TitanX tlačová struna - je revolučný a nový materiál pre FDM 3D tlač. Je...
MetalFil™ Meď - tlačová struna medeného vzhľadu (filament vzhľadu medi)....
MetalFil™ Bronze - filament with bronze appearance. The new PLA material...
HDglass™ - Pastel Stained is a...
Copper 3D MDFlex is an innovative Nanocomposite 3D printer filament developed with a high-quality TPU 98A compound and a patented, scientifically validated and highly effective Nano-Copper additive. This unique combination of technologies brings the following characteristics to MDFlex. For example Antibacterial! Due to extreme high demand: temporarily out...
Copper 3D PLActive is an innovative Nanocomposite 3D printer filament developed with a high-quality PLA compound and a patented, scientifically validated and highly effective Nano-Copper additive. PLActive filament is FDA registered and eliminates more than 99.99% of fungi, viruses, bacteria and a wide range of microorganisms. Due to extreme high demand:...
Nastavenie 3D tlačiarne pre rôzne druhy materiálov. Neviete si poradiť s nastavením 3D tlačiarne pre konkrétny typ materiálu? Stiahnite si našu príručku, kde nájdete všetky potrebné parametre, ako nastaviť 3d tlačiareň. Jedine u nás tento komplexný materiál a príručka pre materiály ktoré môžete objednať v našom e-shope www.Tvoja3Dtlac.sk. Stiahnite si...
EasyWood™ looks, feels and smells like real wood. EasyWood™ is a unique mixture of 40% grinded wood particles in combination with the modified and proven easy-to-print binding polymers used for our EasyFil™ filaments. This extraordinary blend has resulted in a high-end and unsurpassed “easy to print” wooden filament.Because of its low shrinkage factor,...
Taulman3D has now released its low temperature, high strength industrial “T-glase” filament line into the desktop 3D printing community. T-glase, which is short for tough glass, is a specially engineered high strength industrial 3D printer filament for users that print with PLA or lower temperature desktop 3D Printers. Taulman T-glase is derived from the...
Formfutura EasyFil™ PLA is 100% opaque filament. EasyFil™ PLA is a high-end “easy to use” 3D printer filament, which is slightly modified with an impact modifier making the filament tougher, slightly softer, less rigid, much longer preservable and easy to print at relatively low temperatures. Another great advantage of EasyFil™ PLA – compared to regular...
HDglass™ - See Through Green is a vivid high gloss and transparent grass green coloured 3D printer filament.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as HDglass™ has excellent properties when it comes to strength, toughness and temperature resistance...
HDglass™ - Blinded is a beautiful deep metallic bronze coloured and 100% opaque filament. The added metallic particles to the bronze colour will give your 3D printed object an extra classy appearance.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as...
Táto modrá páska má výbornú adhéziu k (vyhrievanej) tlačovej platforme. Používa sa pre tlač PLA 3D modelov a zabezpečuje dobrú adhéziu medzi platformou a modelom. Chráni povrch tlačovej platformy a model sa dá ľahko odobrať. Nanesenie pásky na platformu je veľmi rýchle. Hrúbka pásky: 0,13mm Šírka pásky 50mm Dĺžka pásky: 50m
Nastavenie 3D tlačiarne pre rôzne druhy materiálov. Neviete si poradiť s nastavením 3D tlačiarne pre konkrétny typ materiálu? Stiahnite si našu príručku, kde nájdete všetky potrebné parametre, ako nastaviť 3d tlačiareň. Jedine u nás tento komplexný materiál a príručka pre materiály ktoré môžete objednať v našom e-shope www.Tvoja3Dtlac.sk. Stiahnite si...
You want to know how to print a 3D model on a 3D printer without peeling off the pad.You want to know what to do to keep your model out of print.Take a look at the super-sophisticated 3D printing solution!Download free!
SALE for preORDERS - Discount 5% - ALREADY ready for SALE DIMAFIX PEN - Good adhesion of your print to the printbed is a must in 3D printing! In order to keep your object fixed during printing and avoid warping, there is now DimaFix - Pen. DimaFix Pen is a new product based on the Dimafix - Fixative Spray (an aerosol spray adhesive for 3D printers with a...
TitanX tlačová struna - je revolučný a nový materiál pre FDM 3D tlač. Je to optimalizovaný ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) materiál s vysoko vylepšenými mechanickými vlastnosťami. Má nízku náklonnosť k deformácii vplyvom chladnutia materiálu. Skvelú príľnavosť prvej vrstvy k platforme 3D tlačiarne zo skla, Eurocel Blue a Eurocel PET pásky. Rovnako...
TitanX tlačová struna - je revolučný a nový materiál pre FDM 3D tlač. Je to optimalizovaný ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) materiál s vysoko vylepšenými mechanickými vlastnosťami. Má nízku náklonnosť k deformácii vplyvom chladnutia materiálu. Skvelú príľnavosť prvej vrstvy k platforme 3D tlačiarne zo skla, Eurocel Blue a Eurocel PET pásky. Rovnako...
MetalFil™ Meď - tlačová struna medeného vzhľadu (filament vzhľadu medi). Nový PLA materiál obsahuje až 80% gravimetrickej náplne medi. Tento vysoký obsah medi umožňuje 3D tlač modelov, ktoré sú na nerozoznanie od skutočnej medi. Možné tlačiť s celokovovými tryskami, PEEK alebo PFTE. Odporúčaný priemer trysky je 0,4mm. MetalFil Meď tlačová struna je veľmi...
MetalFil™ Bronze - filament with bronze appearance. The new PLA material contains up to 80% gravimetric filling of bronze. This high content of bronze allows printing of 3D models that looks almost same as real bronze. You can print with full metal hotends, PFTE or PEEK hotends. Recommended nozzle diameter is 0.4 mm. MetaFil Bronze print filament is very...
HDglass™ - See Through Green is a vivid high gloss and transparent grass green coloured 3D printer filament.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as HDglass™ has excellent properties when it comes to strength, toughness and temperature resistance...
Formfutura EasyFil™ ABS Glow in the Dark Green is an awesome colour changing filament. This Glow in the Dark filament will have a natural milky white appearance at daylight and will turn into a luminous green colour in the dark. The filament, or printed object, will basically “charge” its Glow in the Dark colour changing effect with UV/daylight, resulting...
HDglass™ - See Through Red is a stunning high gloss and transparent traffic red coloured 3D printer filament. HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as HDglass™ has excellent properties when it comes to strength, toughness and temperature...
HDglass™ - Pastel Stained is a slightly translucent claret violet coloured 3D printer filament with a subtle hint of added metallic particles. This unique colour blend gives your printed object a “Murano” or stained glass-like appearance.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range....
HDglass™ - Clear is an impressive and stunning clear 3D printer filament with an unsurpassed transparency.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as HDglass™ has excellent properties when it comes to strength, toughness and temperature resistance...
HDglass™ - See Through Blue is a beautiful high gloss and transparent ultramarine blue coloured 3D printer filament.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as HDglass™ has excellent properties when it comes to strength, toughness and temperature...
HDglass™ - Blinded is a beautiful deep metallic bronze coloured and 100% opaque filament. The added metallic particles to the bronze colour will give your 3D printed object an extra classy appearance.HDglass™ is our new amorphous , high strength and ultra-transparent modified PETG compounded 3D printer filament range. HD stands for “Heavy Duty”, as...
ClearScent™ ABS has a very high transparency, as it lets 90% of visible light pass through its fiber. This unique high transparency rate for modified ABS type of 3D printer filaments allows that ClearScent™ ABS can also be coloured in beautiful semi-transparent colours and makes it an ideal filament for 3D printing light-transmitting objects. ClearScent™...
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Overené praxou
Všetky materiály FormFutura sú vyvinuté špeciálne pre aplikácie FDM/FFF 3D tlače.
Všetky materiály sú testované a navrhnuté tak aby poskytovali čo najväčšiu kvalitu výstupných 3D modelov. Samozrejme kvalita je podmienená aj kvalitným a spoľahlivým zariadením pre 3D tlač (3D tlačiareň). Filamenty sú vyrábané na najkvalitnejších zariadeniach určených pre extrudovanie tlačových vlákien.
Kontrola kvality je zabezpečená pomocou laserového systému, preto zaručujeme dodanie filamentu požadovanej kvality a rozmerov. Kvalita filamentu priamo ovplyvňuje životnosť Vašej 3D tlačiarne, špeciálne životnosť trysky.