Táto modrá páska má výbornú adhéziu k (vyhrievanej) tlačovej platforme....
Nastavenie 3D tlačiarne pre rôzne druhy materiálov. Neviete si poradiť s...
You want to know how to print a 3D model on a 3D printer without peeling...
SALE for preORDERS - Discount 5% - ALREADY ready for SALE DIMAFIX PEN -...
TitanX tlačová struna - je revolučný a nový materiál pre FDM 3D tlač. Je...
TitanX tlačová struna - je revolučný a nový materiál pre FDM 3D tlač. Je...
MetalFil™ Meď - tlačová struna medeného vzhľadu (filament vzhľadu medi)....
MetalFil™ Bronze - filament with bronze appearance. The new PLA material...
EasyFil™ ABS is a high-end “easy to...
ClearScent™ ABS is now also available in opaque colours.You are now also able to 3D print opaque coloured ABS objects without warping and having the unpleasant smell of ABS during 3D printing! Formfutura ClearScent™ ABS White is a beautiful deep signal white coloured and 100% opaque filament. 3D printed objects in ClearScent™ ABS White will have a...
Formfutura Premium ABS Natural is a natural transparent filament. When spooled the filament might look a bit creamy. However, you will be surprised about the transparency of 3D printed objects with Premium Natural ABS. 3D printed objects in Premium ABS Natural will have a beautiful icy transparent appearance. ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene in full),...
ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene in full), is a thermoplastic which, as its name implies, is produced by the polymerization of acrylonitrile, butadiene, and styrene. ABS is produced from fossil fuels, meaning that it is not biodegradable and has a greater environmental impact than PLA for instance. Because of its toughness and strength ABS is a very...
Our coloured Premium PLA is in general slightly transparent, where our EasyFil™ PLA’s colour is usually opaque. Another difference between our Premium PLA and EasyFil™ PLA is the extrusion diameter of the filament. For more detailed specifications about our EasyFil™ PLA and Premium PLA, please also have a look at the “SPECIFICATIONS” tab in the designated...